A Read Through My Morning Pages

  1. Chris Markoski says:

    Deb, Definitely agree that many things out of our control ( & can’t control), so hard to refocus. Being chronically ill for long time doesn’t help. Stay strong, dear friend! Sending love to you!😘♥️♥️

  2. dlblackwell says:

    Thanks, Chris! We’re getting through, one day at a time! Sending love to you, too. ♥️♥️♥️

  3. Pam Thompson says:

    I’m sorry to hear that you are struggling daily. Add in politics and govt take-over, and its a recipe for personal disaster. Find something that needs to be nurtured. House plants, cats, seeds, a non-profit of your choice to keep the focus off of you. Easier said than done, I know. Be well, BlackWELL. Hello to Sir H. ❤️🌱🐈

  4. dlblackwell says:

    I love this, Pam! Thank you. And BlackWELL is a big WOW! I didn’t even think of that, and somehow, it feels just a little magical. ♥️ 🪄✨
    Sir H says hello, and we both send hugs. xo

  5. Sandy cole says:

    Wow. It’s wonderful you have a wise doctor who understood you might need Permission to vent. And that you have a sweet husband who is also Understanding.

  6. Heidi Hatke says:

    Deb, we do have to figure out how to find good around us during this current NIGHTMARE. You can refocus your energy by helping me again to get rid of more of my clutter and ‘years of accumulated (physical) muck’. Or figuring out why the first letter of every word I type is being capitalized.

  7. dlblackwell says:

    I fixed the caps! Technology can be a nightmare! (In all of its goodness.) Thanks Heidi. I’ll be over to help “purganize.” It’s one of my favorites. Clearing out the muck is the path to enlightenment. 😀

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