I Am My Experiences

  1. I really love this. What a great way to look at experience. As a piece of a quilt. It can be any color and take on any meaning.

  2. dlblackwell says:

    Thank you, imagine your quilt! ❤️

  3. Wendy Martin says:

    Experience is Everything and i am learning The hard way to know when to cut the Toxic Fabric from my quilt. I love Reading your quilt.

  4. Chris Markoski says:

    You bring up some very good points! Experience is everything! Thanks for sharing parts of your own life that catapulted your life into journalism!
    Great choice!

  5. Barb Adams says:

    I LOVE this essay and totally agree! As a retired educational administrator, the most promising candidates I interviewed were those with a large, colorful quilt stitched together by life experiences. Hiring them proved me right! Brava, Deb!

  6. Christina Markoski says:

    Experiences in life can certainly create a positive or negative tone in life. You decide the path you want to take, and move on. You’re right; experience in a job can be invaluable!

  7. dlblackwell says:

    Yes! Choices along the path are so important, and experience in life itself means so much.

  8. dlblackwell says:

    I love this Barb! Thank you for cheering and supporting the “underdog” in a world where the large, colorful quilt is often ignored! ❤️

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