Recover, Rest, Repeat

  1. Sandy Cole says:

    Boom is right. You know how to do that better Than anyone i know. Let’s Hope this year is more like beautiful sparkling fireworks. Just like you.

  2. Elizabeth Osta says:

    Oh how precious your post! I have been reading about grief for our aging bodies! I never stopped as a kid and even now I don’t Want to. breast Cancer Taught me that the world could go on without me. Hmm that makes it easiervto go out and play!!!❤️💚

  3. dlblackwell says:

    Thank you for reading Elizabeth! I am so glad to hear from you and always appreciate your words and your wisdom! Cheers to playing! ❤️

  4. dlblackwell says:

    Awww thank you, I’ll take beautiful, sparkling fireworks (or sparkles) and share them! ✨💛✨

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