The Back—And Front Stories 

  1. Fahad Khan says:

    One word – insightful! Been a while that I hear a life coach become a story teller. Coaches make the best story tellers!

  2. dlblackwell says:

    Thank you Fahad, especially when they speak from the heart!

  3. Kevin Daring says:

    So Relatable! You and Jeff are Such genuine People! Can’t wait to Read the next blog post!

  4. Chris Markoski says:

    Thank you Deb, for your wonderful blog! I look forward to the many life stories to come, as we “wade” through this life!

  5. dlblackwell says:

    Thank you Kevin! So happy to share our stories with you!

  6. dlblackwell says:

    Thanks Chris. We’ve been wading together for a long time and we persevere!

  7. LauraSue Nesson Steinman says:

    You are so Courageous & truthful, even When its hard. I admire that so Much. You Give me hope & inspire me.

  8. dlblackwell says:

    Thank you LS. You, too, are so courageous and truthful even when it’s hard. So glad we are in this together.

  9. So happy you are back to story telling! You are a wonderful storyteller Full of wisdom, honesty and bravery. I love taking this journey with You through your stories.

  10. dlblackwell says:

    I am so glad we are on this path together. Thank you for your kindness, from one brave soul to another!

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